On-Chain Experience

On-chain experience with Layers means your work data is encrypted and stored on the blockchain, ensuring transparency, ownership, and interoperoability.

On-chain experience refers to the user's work experience data being put on a blockchain network. The data is encrypted so no one except the user or parties approved by the user would be able to read it but only the user will be able to manipulate it.

Putting the data on-chain brings the following benefits


On-chain data can be viewed by any authorized party and the party can check the whole history of every piece of data such as who added it, when it was added, when it was modified, what was it before modification, and many more points can be verified, thus verification becomes easy and trustless. The parties don't need to trust each other, they only have to trust the data and every piece of it can be cross-verified.


Traditional freelancing platforms use data servers to store user’s data but the technical drawback with them is they can’t provide trustlessness, ownership, and portability with data.

Layers stores data generated through every interaction on the blockchain networks which acts as the proof-of-history. Only the user can authorize parties to fetch the data from the blockchain. Storing and manipulation of data happens through smart contracts and data related to a user can only be generated by the respective user.

Interoperability & Portability

Data is stored on the decentralized blockchain networks and owned by the users. It opens the door for portability, users can be on multiple platforms built on the Layers with the same data on each one and get exposed to more opportunities.

Imagine having all the data one needs before making any decision in freelancing and the greatest part, they don't need to trust the data source, every piece of data can be verified. It's not an imagination anymore, Layers is bringing it into reality. There is no need to trust the party, check, and verify the work-related data stored on the blockchain network.

With the Layers on-chain experience,

  • No need to be dependent on a platform to store the work experience, or worry to get it lost.

  • Space becomes trustless.

  • Verification becomes frictionless.

Layers has smart contracts to handle different interactions such as payments, contracts, and reviews. When the user uses Layers it stores data through smart contracts on the blockchain in encoded form, which can be retrieved through the query scripts.

Data stored with Layers can be visualized on various dashboards provided by the Layers. Users also have the option to import and download it.

Last updated